
Thank you for visiting. I have put this website together for anyone wishing to learn more about brianjonesfrancis (no, not really. I have no idea why I wrote that).

Anyway, most people will know me simply as Brian Francis, the ‘Jones’  in my name happens to be the fault of 1960’s Rolling Stones singer Brian Jones, yes I was named after him.

So as I was saying, I use my full name in order to be distinct from the other Brian Francis’ on the Internet (something to do with search engines), but also, it has always been my secret intention to have a family business; Brian Jones (me) and Francis ( my family) –  I always try to dream ahead…

That was then…

But still now (I’m trying to write this with a certain kind of momentum, are you following me?). Anyways, many people misspell my name and call me ‘Brain’ instead of ‘Brian’, so just to let you know – I am pretty easy going… I’m not the sort of person to get the “hump” just over a misspelling or the pronunciation of my name.

My occupation, job, hobby or whatever you want to call it is primarily as a Graphic Designer. No, not just making things look pretty. It’s a lot more complicated than that. And if I tell you more, then, well…

Anyway, over the years I have been experimenting with being my own client. I figured, due to circumstances, it was a great way to start working remotely in this modern age.

You can see some of the things I have been up to here

Or, continue reading about the people I have worked with. (oh, those pages have probably been deleted by now (so, I‘ve replaced them), so many things have changed since I first wrote this blurb back in 2013.  NEXT


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